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Eric Stutman

Six goals for the best college search experience

Getting accepted to your Top Choice school is not the only goal of a successful college search. The following six goals will help you and your family improve the experience for everyone involved. Keep these goals in mind along the way to avoid worries that just don't matter. An independent educational consultant can help you achieve these goals.

Goal #6: Lower stress. Students and parents feel a lot of pressure from friends and themselves to find the right school. Be organized, keep perspective, and work towards the other five goals to reduce stress.

Goal #5: Reduce family conflict. Teenagers and parents already have enough things to argue about. At the start, remind your students that you are on their side, and want what they want. Your teen will usually listen to advice from an outsider more than from their parent.

Goal #4: Build Confidence and College Readiness: Is your student "ready" for college? Does he/she wake up on their own? Do they make their own breakfast? During junior and senior year, help them become more independent, and feel good about their academic and extracurricular credentials, even if they are not at the top of their class.

Goal #3: Facilitate the process; don't take it over. Parents are not going back to college, and schools know when an essay is written by a 50 year old. Listen to your student's desires, help them with the process, but make sure their voice is the one that the admissions staff hears.

Goal #2: Build a beautiful application. The same student can be accepted or denied from a university based on their application. One with typographical errors, missing honors, or poorly described activities tells the admissions team a lot about the student. Send in a clean application, and you will give yourself the best chance for admission.

Goal #1: Find a great fit. Fit includes academics, social atmosphere, and finances. It's more important for your student to fit in, and love an affordable school than to be admitted to the most academically challenging school possible.

Reach for these goals, and everyone will have a great experience during, and after, the college search! Contact me for help on any step of the process. 617.240.6899

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