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Eric Stutman

Top 5 Useful Stats in the new Naviance College Software

Earlier this month the user interface for Naviance college search software changed dramatically. More college photos and graphics are supposed to make the interface more user friendly. Here are my top 5 favorite statistics in the new interface that you can use to research the college for your student.

5. Freshman retention rate (%): Higher is better. Shows what percent of freshmen at this college returned for their sophomore year. It is a measure of student satisfaction and engagement. Where is it? Click the "Studies" tab and the retention rate is in large font in the middle of the page.

4. Six year graduation rate (%). The higher the better. This is a gauge of how motivated and dedicated the student body is to complete their education. Six years tends to include those who do Co-op programs which may keep them from graduating in four years. Where is it? Located on the Overview page in large font in the middle of the page.

3. Acceptance rate (%) for your High School. Where is it? On the overview page, click "Learn More" in the College Overlaps box. The acceptance rate for your high school averaged over the past years is on the first row of data.

2. Average accepted GPA for your High School: Where is it? On the overview page, click "Learn More" in the College Overlaps box. The average GPA for your high school averaged over the past years is on the first row of data.

1. GPA and ACT acceptance graph for your High School. Since other students at your school use the same GPA scale, this is a great way to gauge if this college is a reach, target, or likely for you. Where is it? Click on the "admissions" tab, and scroll down a ways to see the graph. Since SAT scores changed recently, I like looking at ACT scores instead.

Comments or questions? Call or email me. 617.240.6899

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